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Transforming cities into low carbon society Back

One of the biggest visible ways of addressing Climate Change includes improving urban services. The challenge is not just about how we use energy in delivering city services to our citizens but also how we live our lives. Cities consume massive amounts of energy and only a tiny amount of the energy imports is “green”. The challenge is to improve our lifestyles that are more supportive to Low Carbon Societies. A well designed, sustainable city will provide a better quality of life for all, being a healthier, less polluted and quieter place to live and work in. It means:

  Less Private Car Use
  we need to organize our cities so that we can travel less in our daily lives, and so that walking, cycling and public transport is all easier. New development should have a mix of uses and be well served by public transport. Car sharing, car clubs, free / renting bicycle and company or school travel plans all help.
  Greener streets
  streets can be vents to help counteract the ‘urban heat island’ effect in the summer. Large tree canopies are needed to shade and cool streets and buildings in summer – deciduous trees, so they let the light through in winter. The design of the street, and volume of traffic and how it is managed, determines how pedestrian friendly it is – and walking and cycling help with obesity and public health issues.
  Better use of existing resources
  this includes waste, water and energy should be used efficient way. This can save money so makes economic sense as well.
  with a strong identity – a place which takes accessibility seriously and which everyone can enjoy using equally, and which embraces new cultures; a place which builds on its spirit and character, and reflects that in its buildings and spaces and their uses.
  we live in a society where finance makes lots of difference be selling products or achieving something. We therefore incentivize systems so that people encouraged using more green energy, generating less waste, plants trees and uses water harvesting structures.
  Usefull Links
    Transforming cities into low corbon society
    Cities Contributing to a solution
    Advocacy for Citizens / School Children / Women
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